5 Free Ways to Find Peace during the Holidays

Tis the season for food, shopping, and parties. With Thanksgiving falling late this year, the holiday shopping crunch feels more chaotic than usual. 

As I sell my 2020 SuebytheSea Calendar, I'm largely aware that I'll be one of those people pushing a product into your social media feed.

In return, I've developed a list of 5 free things to help you stay centered during the holiday season!

1. VISIT YOUR LOCAL LIBRARY - Need some quiet time? Libraries offer a calm and peaceful space for you to catch up on some reading, plan a holiday dinner, or finalize your shopping list. Most importantly, libraries are quiet. So, enjoy the shhhhhh. 

2. STRETCH -  Stretching feels great, gives you energy, and helps reduce stress. Schedule 10 minutes each day and you just might pick up a healthy new habit. 

3. BRING AN EXTRA PLATE OF FOOD OF COOKIES TO AN ELDERLY NEIGHBOR - So technically this cost a little bit of money but the benefits are huge. You'll feel happy and content for being kind, and kindness leads to gratitude which we can be in short supply around holidays. Compassion and kindness also reduce stress, boost our immune systems, and help reduce negative emotions. Most importantly, your neighbor will be especially appreciative. 

4. GO OUTSIDE AND PLAY - The great outdoors holds many health benefits like reducing stress, lowering blood pressure, enhancing creativity, and providing more energy. Don't have time? Use part of your lunch break to go for a quick walk. You'll have more energy and motivation the rest of the day. 


5. CONNECT WITH A FRIEND - The holidays get busy and it's easy to lose touch with even our closest friends. Spending a few minutes to call, text, or email a friend can make all the difference in lifting your spirits during the busy holiday season. 


Most of all...stay in the moment! Wishing everyone a very happy and healthy holiday season! 
